The Sword, "Doom Side of the Moon"


Image: Ian Burt

Dude, you wanna toke some grass and see some shit? Hang on, you know that band from Austin called The Sword, right? So scope this out — their guitar dude, Kyle made some wild ass shit. But first you gotta rip one with me cuz this puppy’s gonna make yer ass fly. Check it: motherfucker made a stoner metal version of Dark Side of the Moon, man. I know right isn’t that focked up? My man, you gotta see the vid, it’s tight. But first we gotta get like kite-flying-into-a-nebula-and-bursting-into-interstellar-confetti high.

Alright, dude, you ready? Fullscreen that shit. Prepare to achieve maximum stokage:

Fuuuuuuck. Did you see those fuckin’ visuals, man? How the fuck did they do that? You think it’s like Photoshop or Paint or some shit? Did you see that fuckin’ rabbit? Is that not some of the Bob Gnarliest shit you’ve ever seen, dude? The breakdown with the organ? Holy balls man I almost stroked out for a sec. If it wasn’t so chill I might have.

The only bummer is the rest of the record isn’t out ’til August, man. I know, it fockin’ suuuucks. But dude, they’re playing the whole thing live in Austin, with a fuckin’ laser light show, man. Holy shit, we should fuckin’ go. We can take the VW, I don’t even give a fuck if it’s overheating, man. We can make grilled cheese on the engine block, dude, it’ll be cozy as fuck.

In all seriousness: Doom Side of the Moon is a beautiful and uncomplicated idea that will be independently released by the band on August 4th. John Dziuban does not smoke weed and he is no longer a musician. Metal Minutiae is an occasional column on the decline of rock music.