New York City, June 5, 2017

★★ The air indoors had been so thick and stuffy that the chill of outdoors felt pleasant for a minute or two. The dampness soaked in everywhere: The downtown 1 train car was cool with air conditioning but still damp; the R train, unmoving in the station, was warm and damp; the Q that finally arrived on the express side was cold and damp. Up on the surface, the wan sun through the clouds grew a tiny bit less wan for a moment and the thin shadows thickened a little, but only a little. The thwarted late light of the long day manifested itself only as a faintly warmer glow over rush hour, coming from nowhere in particular. A fog was up in the top of the landmark skyscrapers but below it was a weaker sickly sort of partial fog, slightly occluding everything.