Who Makes The Nazis?

Or why Chris Cillizza makes mouth breathing seem sophisticated.


Last week, in a column defending Ivanka Trump after she was booed by a German audience for supporting her father’s pitiful paid-leave policies, [troglodytic CNN commentator Chris] Cillizza, somehow channeling the voices of Ward Cleaver and John Mayer simultaneously, wrote: “It’s important to remember that Ivanka is, first and foremost, her father’s daughter. As such, she is going to defend him — as would almost every daughter in any situation in which her dad is under attack.” Wha… at? When we remind ourselves of the fact that Cillizza has, since Trump became president, displayed a thinly veiled horniness for the first daughter, this sentence takes on a nauseating tinge. As Cillizza’s star has risen to that of the pundit class, his stupidity — expressed via Simpsons memes, use of outdated teen lingo, and gleeful participation in Trump hagiography — has become all the more apparent, along with his desire for attention.

Awl pal Leah Finnegan plays “Who goes Nazi?” with the media and the answers will surprise you! (In the sense that it’s not just otiose doofuses — doofi ?— like Chris Cillizza.) Anyway, if you are not subscribed to the Leah Letter, which is widely regarded by some of the smartest people in the business as “the best bit of opt-in dyspepsia available these days,” what are you waiting for?

Who goes Nazi? Media edition