Have A Little Hope Today

There’s a lot of new music to live for.

Image: Jose Carlos Zamora

It’s real bad out there. Not outside, where it’s actually quite pleasant except for the pollen, but like out in the world where people wear suits and all the politics happens. It feels like civilization is in kind of a major backslide? The New York Times is suggesting you do a handstand to feel better, so you know something is up. I am not suggesting any of the below music as a distraction, but rather a lily pad of a palliative until you can get to a bar or a gym or a park. They will make being online this afternoon just that much more bearable. Because it’s going to be bad.

Balk already gave you this new Waxahatchee song, but I’ll put it here because it’s worth playing on repeat:

Glitter-covered pop-punk band PWR BTTM’s sophomore record, Pageant, is streaming in full over at NPR, and boy is it good. It’s also only thirty-three minutes!

First Listen: PWR BTTM, ‘Pageant’

Taylor Swift “broke” her “media silence” to post in support of HAIM’s new song, “Want You Back,” a teaser for the new album coming in July:

If you’re more of a pedal steel person (I’m a slide guitar woman, so, close) here’s this from Steelism:

One of the boys from the divorced boy band has a solo song:

I guess if you care about LCD Soundsystem there’s even this, too, coming at midnight.

Prepare Your Bodies, LCD Soundsystem Will Release Two New Songs At Midnight

Anyway yeah it looks like House Republicans are going to biopsy the hell out of the American healthcare system, so find something to listen to that isn’t Wagner while the votes get counted.