Pitbull Is Absolutely A Revolutionary

Of album titles at the very least.

The story goes that in 1980 a Cuban coke dealer named Armando Perez met a dancer, Alysha Acosta, at a topless bar in Miami. They slept together, and nine months later, on January 15, 1981, she gave birth to the boy who would one day be known across the world as Pitbull. “It worked out,” Pitbull tells me. “Shit, I gotta find that titty bar!” According to a 2015 interview Pitbull did with Howard Stern, Acosta would point at stars in the Miami sky and tell her young son that’s what he’d be one day. It’s a perfect story, but Pitbull grew up in a turbulent time, far away from the Art Basel Miami Beach of today. In 1981, the year he was born, the New York Times reported that more people were murdered in Miami than anywhere else in the world.

Pitbull Will Live Forever

Pitbull only watches VICELAND, CNBC, and Bloomberg. His nickname is “Pit.” In order to understand Pitbull, you must first understand South Florida. More Pitbull facts and anecdotes here, in this entertaining profile by Mitchell Sunderland, published by Vice.