Don't Say Anything

Guess why (i.e., who) we’re still talking about “Missing Richard Simmons”

How much clearer could it be that this podcast phenomenon was a bizarre exercise in locating but perhaps not observing personal boundaries? Dan Taberski went for the full Cusack:

Unsure if Simmons would even know how to listen to a podcast online, Taberski decided to deliver the episodes straight to his door.

“Sometimes I think of Richard Simmons like my grandmother, like I’m not quite sure if he knows how the internet works,” he said. “So it was literally just putting what we had done into a boom box and putting it on his stoop, and to get his reaction so that we would know that he had heard it.”

Podcast Creator Left a Boom Box Outside Richard Simmons’ Home in Hopes He Would Hear the Show

Quick reminder.