Diet Cig, 'I Swear I'm Good At This'

Did you know that when today started it was a hundred years ago?

Every day I think, “Wow, I wonder if [insert domestic political news item] will be the last straw that breaks my will to live,” but it keeps not happening. Maybe it’s because I’m still waiting for the new Diet Cig album to come out. I got a stream of it at some point and I listened to it so many times it evaporated, which I suppose is the 2017 equivalent of wearing the grooves down on a record? Is that what they called it? A reh-coard?

Well today one decent thing happened, which is that NPR’s First Listen is shining its streaming spotlight on our friends from New Paltz. Hopefully you have a commute that’s just under thirty minutes, which means you can complete one full listen of I Swear I’m Good At This, before you have to get back in front of another screen to consume more stories. I’ll be over here, trying to figure out how soon I can buy Vantablack lipstick. See you tomorrow. (This has been my Alex Balk impression; so sue me, I am practicing.)

First Listen: Diet Cig, ‘Swear I’m Good At This’