Sunset Graves, "Flatter To Deceive"

What are your dreams like these days?

Photo: DeeAshley

It took me a couple of months to have my first dream about President Obama. I remember waking up one morning in March after imagining a whole scenario where I was at the White House with Barack and we were talking about ways to work through the financial crisis. I burned with shame and anger at my subconscious for being so basic and obvious, but at least it had gone a decent amount of time before it finally let him burrow through. This guy, though? I’ve been having dreams, if that’s what we want to call them, since somewhere in the first week. And they are not the kind where I am asked for advice. They are filled with fear and terror and the sense that there is no escape. I guess I should be happy that I am able to sleep at all. Also, I’ve had a bad cold the last week or so and I’ve been taking a ton of decongestants, so my dreams have been pretty vivid and wild. I mean, I also had one where everyone was excited that the cast of “Friends” had decided to reunite for a full season of new shows, which as dreams go is more embarrassing than anything else that ever pierced the veil of sleep before. So it could just be the medicine. Or it could be that I’m an idiot. That is usually the explanation for things. I guess what I want to know is, what are your dreams like these days? They’re not good, right?

Anyway, Resident Advisor calls this one “expansive, atmospheric, string-laden,” and all three of those things are indeed true. Enjoy.