Geotic, "Actually Smiling"

I’m wide awake, it’s mourning.

Photo: Dan Nguyen

Have you had trouble sleeping lately? You’re not alone. No one is able to make it through the night anymore. Maybe it’s the erratic weather we’re having. Maybe it’s the bad cold going around. Or maybe there’s something else, some other gnawing anxiety that causes you to pitch forward in at 3:47 and spend the next two hours in a state of dread and anguish. What could it be? Hard to say, really. Maybe we should just wait and see if it resolves itself one way or another.

This song is very pretty. I don’t know if it will make you feel happy or sad, but it won’t make you feel hopeless, and I think we can all agree that is the one feeling we’ve got a surplus on at the moment, so anything different is good. Enjoy!