Botany, "Crowd Nothings"

That was then. This is now.

Photo: Jarod Carruthers

I bet you really appreciated that extra day off, huh? Like, more than you usually appreciate a three-day weekend? It’s because every weekday is a million years long now so by the time you make it to the end of them you are so beaten down that there’s no way two lousy days are going to get you anywhere ready to face down another week come Monday. You will still be feeling last week into next month from now on. If this coming year does nothing else for us — and the odds are that it won’t — it will at least teach us to finally appreciate those brief moments of nothing we are given (before all that we are given is one moment of nothing that extends out into forever). Anyway, welcome back. Here’s some controlled weirdness from Botany. Enjoy.