Aera, "Rotunde"

The year’s worst day is where you find it.

Photo: Carmen Jost

January is a big time for news (and “news”) organizations to run “worst day of the year” or “year’s most depressing day” dispatches because a) January is pretty fucking horrible and b) no one really wants to go back to work yet and this is an easy story to write. That said, you should bear the following in mind as you come across these pieces over the next few weeks: However terrible whatever day you are hearing about is, the next day is going to be worse, and this year it will continue to be true even once the weather grows warm and the sun shines again well into the evening. From now on every day will be slightly worse than the one before it and we will come to look back at these first few weeks of January as the final days of what were, in retrospect, a pleasant period of ominous dread rather than the grim procession of certainty and confirmation throughout which we will suffer for the foreseeable future, possibly until we no longer have a future to foresee.

Now that we have that cleared up, here’s some music. Enjoy.