Max Cooper, "Order From Chaos"

We’re so close.

Photo: Kenneth Dellaquila

You can feel it, right? You may be limping to the finish line but you will not have to drag your ass along all that much farther now. If you are not on auto-pilot already you are at the very least like one of those sea creatures whose brain is partially asleep at all moments. If you are an anticipation-is-better-than-the-actual-event type this is the greatest time of year for you, and if you’re someone who just can’t wait for the whole fucking thing to be over these are the most tantalizing two days on the calendar. I hope you appreciate them, because what comes after is going to be a nonstop drag.

Anyway, Max Cooper says of this song and its accompanying video:

[T]he rhythm of the track is created by the raindrops in an emergent manner — I took the audio samples, mapped the transients for the raindrop hits, and then forced the mapped points towards the nearest drumming grid positions. This meant that the random raindrops were pushed into a quantised grid, and the result was that a percussive rhythm emerged, one that I hadn’t created myself, but was the closest rhythm to that particular section of rain.
I then played the sansula over this rain rhythm, and added lots of pads and saturation layers, finally with some vocal snippets from Kathrin deBoer to complete the track. Maxime Causeret selected this track to work with, under the brief to map the emergent rhythm to an exploration of emergence in living form.

What does that mean? Fuck if I know. I’m a moron. All I know is what sounds good, and this is definitely that, plus the video is cool. Enjoy! You’re almost there!