Kin Klavé, "Drums & Sounds 1"

Should you panic?

Photo: paolobarzman

There has been a good deal of chatter lately in punditry circles about whether or not you should panic over what is about to happen to our country and, by extension, our world. I am aware that, down the years, I have developed a reputation — one that is completely deserved given all the effort and struggle put in on my part to pass along my wisdom and experience in the face of so much facile and cloying countervailing opinion — as a truth-teller who cuts through all the fog and spin and self-interest that usually accompanies all the prescriptions and predictions about what the future holds, and that so many of you wait for my counsel before making your final decision on the way to approach the important issues with which you are confronted as you go about your life. It is a duty I hold sacred and I apologize for being so tardy in delivering the final word on this question. As an attempt to make amends for causing you to wait, I will offer you two options: 1) Panic, but don’t expect it to make a difference. 2) Don’t panic, but don’t be surprised when everything you’re not panicking about happens anyway. The choice is yours!

Now that we’ve got that settled, we can move on to the morning’s music. Here is some light percussion with lovely African-style guitar in accompaniment. Enjoy.