In My Other Life

A programming note

Image: Asif Salman

The end of the year is here. But this year was different (just like last year and the year before), and things are dire. In times of great despair, many of us turn to fantasy.

In times like these, many of us think about our other lives—you know the ones. It could be your imagined other life, your actual secret other life, or the other life you are always planning for yourself but will never realize. Who do you want to be, where will you go when you retire (lol), what are you ashamed of having done in a previous build? Alternately, who have you been, and why did you stop being that way?

So, In My Other Life. That is the theme for The Awl’s goodbye to 2016. The package has been collected here, and features contributions by Bryan Washington, Tom Scocca, Anna Wiener, Maud Newton, Jacqui Shine, Carrie Frye, Betsy Morais, Ethan Chiel, Lindsay Robertson, Ryan Bradley, John Dziuban, Jane Hu, Rosa Lyster, Kevin Nguyen, Jo Livingstone, Miranda Popkey, Rachel Monroe, Dayna Evans, Zan Romanoff, Brent Cox and Meaghan O’Connell.