Aos, "Trance On 99"

November finally ended, now what?

Photo: Eric Parker

I cannot remember a longer November, and I’ve lived through so many of them. I would say something about how happy I am to be out of it but knowing what December is like, and having a sense of how slowly things are going to go from now on, it would be foolish to express joy about anything. December might last forever. The only good thing about that is the plans you make for the new year to avoid getting together during the holiday season will never come due, but that seems like a high price to pay for an endless season of pretending to smile at holiday parties, sweating under your coat on the train and having to hear Joni Mitchell’s “River” at CVS while all you’re trying to do is pick up an acid reducer for the heartburn you experience every second now. As happy as I am to see November go there is a not inconsiderable part of me that is concerned we will in future months look back at it as a relatively placid and pleasant part of our lives compared to what we are living with in the present. I guess we’ll find out.

Anyway, here is seven minutes that will hopefully offer a small amount of soothing for your soul. Enjoy. [Via]