Max Würden, "Fernfeld"

Think this week was rough?

Photo: Brielle Cardieri

Think back to Monday. You can’t, can you? It’s too far away, it hurts too much. Well, let me remind you: On Monday we were still processing the FBI revelation of the Anthony Weiner email thing. Remember that? The World Series wasn’t even halfway over. Impossible to believe! It was actually Halloween. How much hard living have you gone through in the four days since then? Months? Years? Now think about how much hard living you’re going to go through in next four days. You can’t, can you? All you can really conceive of is the weekend. And rightly so. Because Monday is going to be a nightmare and Tuesday is going to make Monday look like some beautiful dream. It’s going to get so, so dark. Hold tight to the weekend, is what I’m saying, because it’s all you’ve got.

I will also say this: Later in November, if we make it, Kompakt will release the latest installment in their amazing Pop Ambient series. Think of it as the reward we will get for coming through all the agony that is about to occur. If, in fact, we come through it. If we don’t get there at least there is this video available. Enjoy.