Burial, "Young Death"

The likelihood of it all being a bad dream seems pretty low at this point.

Photo: miss_ohara

Welcome back. If you were somehow smart enough to stay off the Internet over the long weekend, what did you miss? Well, record-setting despot Fidel Castro died, opening the floor for everyone to condemn everyone else whose sentiments about the man lacked the same rigor as their own, plus anyone who ever went to Havana for a week weighed in with their extensive knowledge of the situation, and let’s not even talk about the “yes but America is bad too” people. Speaking of guys who might push the world into a nuclear holocaust because of their own impetuous self-righteousness, the next President of the United States tweeted a pile of crazy lies, recommencing the now-familiar pattern where a bunch of people shriek in horror that a man who was elected President of the United States while doing these things all the time could somehow be doing these things all the time, only to be informed by smarter, more hard-bitten journalist-types that they were dupes who were falling for his incredibly sinister strategy of causing outrage over a subject he doesn’t really care about to draw attention away from something he does. This, of course, was the natural entry point for the arbiters of attention — always poised to pop up at the first opportunity — to declare that we are able to focus on more than one thing at a time. Hopefully if they ever create a vaccine that allows you to be right without also being simultaneously insufferable these people will be first on line, but given how badly needed such a cure is in all segments of society maybe they can just put it in the water like fluoride. Possibly the only moment in which people on the Internet were not astoundingly intolerable was when the mom from “The Brady Bunch” died, but I myself somehow managed to stay away from online most of that day so I cannot say for sure and given what I know about the usual behavior there I would not be shocked to learn otherwise. In summary, everything is still terrible and now you’re a few pounds heavier.

Anyway, there’s new music from Burial! Enjoy.