Last Japan, Against the Clock

If weekends are going to suck too, why even bother having them?

Wow, everything being terrible isn’t even taking weekends off anymore, huh? It used to be you’d wake up to a Monday knowing how horrible things were about to get with at least a little bit left in the tank from two days of relatively minimal exposure to unpleasantness, but now not only do are you still hurting from the hits you took last week, you’ve also spent the only days off that you get being consistently pummeled until you can no longer make the distinction. Which is to say if you are feeling more dreadful than usual this Monday morning it will hopefully help you to know that it’s not just you, it’s awful for everyone, we all want to die the same amount and it seems as if it’s not ever going to get better again. Does that help? I hope so, because that’s about as positive as I can be right now.

How about we listen to some music? Here is Last Japan, seeing what he can put together in ten minutes. Check out the video of the performance, if you enjoy it. And do try to enjoy it, because it’s all downhill from here.