Lambchop, "NIV"

It’s not all bad news out there.

Photo: Nicholas Erwin

Remember seven years ago when the New York Times wondered if gay guys and straight guys could really be friends? It turns out that they can, at least if pop culture and the people connected to Times reporters are any guide. I’m very proud of you, America. Everything else may be turning to shit but at least gay guys and straight guys can watch it all fall apart together, talking about what they most want to stick their dicks into next in a spirit of brotherly camaraderie.

Okay, music. Here’s another one from the terrific new Lambchop record FLOTUS, out November 4.

Did you catch “The Hustle,” the previous release from the album? Well here it as the soundtrack to Bill Morrison’s The Dockworker’s Dream. Now you have two things to enjoy this morning.