Danny Brown, "Pneumonia"

There’s something going around.

Photo: Joseph O. Holmes

Do you have the bad cold that’s all over the place right now? If you don’t have it, don’t get it. It’s a nightmare from which you never wake up, or you do wake up but it’s like 4 in the morning and you can’t get back to sleep even though it stays dark until 7 these days but what difference would it make, you’re spending those hours blowing your nose and wishing you were dead anyway, plus you know if you tell anyone about it they are going to push some sort of absolutely disgusting solution like a Neti Pot on you and just hearing about that is even more of a nightmare than the actual cold which, as we’ve established, is beyond horrible in and of itself. I’m sorry, Neti Pot people, but no, I am not going to waterboard my nose, go back to your commune and leave me alone.

Anyway, here’s another one off of Danny Brown’s new Atrocity Exhibition album. Because I am tired and generally run down here is where I will make the joke about Danny Brown winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2046. Can I get a “heh”? Thank you. Okay, enjoy. I’m going back to bed.