Here Is Why There Were Crabs On The Subway

One explanation, at least.

“This weekend, a straphanger came upon an empty train car filled with dead crabs… While there’s still no explanation for why they ended up there, we have at least peeled back the onion a bit on a few aspects of the strange sighting — like the fact that crabs were still alive when they were first dumped there.”

— Gothamist, July 6, 2016

Photos: Did Anyone Forget Their Dead Crabs On The Subway?

It was late. Giant Supercrab was tired. She hadn’t been sleeping.

Maybe she was startled by upsetting news.

Positive news too can be a jolt.

With or without a specific shock, the week had been a bad one. Giant Supercrab was drinking more than she used to. The sleep deprivation made her irritable. Reb was in touch again, texting, wanting to have these long “how are you” conversations over text. Was she kidding? Too much work.