Bat For Lashes, "Gypsy"

Summer’s still over.

Photo: Steveen Manon

You’re still tired, right? Still having a hard time adjusting to the fact that summer is over? Still absent-mindedly trying to figure out a way to make every week a four-day week? (Give up. Greater minds than you have sought and failed to find the solution to this challenge.) Still stuffing that pervasive sense of dread and despair deep inside you in the hope that if it stays down there long enough it will keep quiet so that you can get on with your life? The only thing I can tell you that might make it any better is that you’re not alone. Let’s just push through the next three days and at least we can get ourselves a little more time to recover. It’s not a lot, but it’s all I’ve got.

Hey, hopefully this Bat For Lashes cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “Gypsy” is still online by the time you come to it here, because it’s very good, and might just be the only thing to make you smile all day. I know how hard it is to find a smile this week, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it doesn’t get taken down. Good luck, and enjoy.