Alien Panda Jury, "Missing Panda"

That part of your life is over now.

Photo: Will Pollard

And that was your summer. I hope it worked out for you. Don’t worry, it will still be hot and sticky well into next month, and possibly even November, but it will get darker earlier and everyone around you will have their Very Serious Person face on, making you wonder what’s wrong with you and why you aren’t able to make yourself seem as serious as they appear to be about things that are so meaningless. Gradually you will forget summer ever happened and any possible joy you were able to draw from the sunshine will fade away, leaving you empty and broken and counting down the days until another fucking year of your life is over and a new one begins. But we’ll have plenty of time to discuss that over the next few months. Until then listen to this, and take full advantage of today, which is the last time for a while that people will be relatively quiet and leave you alone as they “get out from under” and “catch up on emails” and all the other things they say to signal how important they are. Enjoy.