A Very Good Article About Ice

You know, the cold cubes that go in your drink to keep it cold

Image: Kevin Saff

Did you know about ice cubes? The Wall Street Journal does:

The world of high-end cocktails is being stirred by a development that would have been unthinkable in years past.

Bartenders want to put ice cubes in the drinks.

Get out of my face. Stirred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bartenders want to put ice cubes in the drinks.
Bartenders want to put ice cubes in the drinks.
Bartenders want to put ice cubes in the drinks.
Bartenders want to put ice cubes in the drinks.

Did you know?

Bartenders want to put ice cubes in the drinks.

“Ice spheres are so seven years ago,” said Joseph Ambrose, owner of Favourite Ice Co., a hand-cut cocktail ice distributor in Washington that provides to about 30 bars in the area. “It’s the 2×2 cube that bars want most often.”

What’s the Hottest New Thing in Craft Cocktails? Ice Cubes

AHHH so you mean specifically cubes, as in the 3D shapes that have squares on each side? Wow cool ice. You know how I know not to take any of this seriously? That man misspelled the name of his ice company. What is this, Canada? No, it’s D.C., where maybe it is still 2006 in the “craft cocktail” world.

The business is often based on experimentation, which can have chilling effects since makers can only produce so much by hand. Ice distributors say the shift back to the plain-old cube reflects both economics — cubes are cheaper to make than other shapes — and the realization that to most drinkers, size matters. The trendy cubes are bigger than regular ones; most glasses can only accommodate one.

Chilling effects! You don’t say.

“If I was on a date, at least the giant ice cube would give us something to talk about,” said Susan McCarthy, a recent patron.

Susan, this is why I don’t date. Last but not least, the ol’ cube got a hedcut:

The above is not a good article about ice. Here is a much much much better one for you to read instead:

The Emperor of Ice – The New Yorker