The Gait Debaters

A lot of people are worried about this bear walking on its hind legs

In the wilds of Oak Ridge, New Jersey, there lives a bear named Pedals, nicknamed for his upright stance (important question: is it pronounced “peedles” after “bipedal” or “peddle” after he looks like he might be riding a bicycle?). Pedals has been spotted various times over the past few years, perambulating like a person.

With two maimed front legs, Pedals, an American black bear who displays remarkably good posture, manages to get around on his hind legs. His unusual condition has spawned coveted sightings and viral videos. “Pedals is my spirit animal,” one person wrote on Facebook.

Today, the New York Times asked if he was suffering or thriving, to which I would counter-ask, Are the two really mutually exclusive?

Debate in New Jersey: Is Bear That Walks Upright Suffering, or Thriving?

Some of the more cautious animal people argue that pedals is obviously injured or sick or deformed and this is not normal, and people should stop laughing because he needs our help. They want to send him to a sanctuary where he can trundle around on two legs in peace. One wildlife biologist wondered if his paw wasn’t mangled by a car accident, while others wonder if it’s a congenital defect.

Pedals, you’re doing great, my friend. Stay out in the wilderness, don’t come any closer to the internet. It’s too crazy for you here.