New York City, August 16, 2016

★★★ It was hard to tell whether any of the stone fruit, fresh from the refrigerator truck, had ruptured in transit, or whether the bag was just dripping with condensation. The air was still heavy, though cooler for a moment, till the sun reached a thinner part of the clouds. More clouds came, fending off the worst of the heat again. Heavy gray arrived right overhead, and then, in the time it took to get the swimming things, the outdoors changed over to full sunshine and a downpour. For a moment it was hard to separate the bright splashing in the forecourt into its components. Presumably somebody somewhere got a rainbow out of it. Within an hour, any remaining clouds were gone and so were the sheets of water, save a few puddles that could have been there all along. More clouds rode in on the evening, though, and with them strong lightning, loud thunder, and eventual unspectacular rain.