Tycho, "Division"

It’s new to me and it’s very, very good.

Did you know about this?

Hey, why didn’t you tell me there was a new Tycho track? I mean, maybe it’s my job to tell you that? Maybe I am misunderstanding the nature of our relationship here? Or maybe you did already know about the new Tycho track but you didn’t feel like clueing me in to it because you’ve always secretly hated me and it brought you joy to deny me even the little pleasures of life of which I am so frequently bereft. Maybe you don’t even care about me one way or the other. Maybe you were just like, “If he hears it, he hears it, if not, fuck him.” Well, fine. At least I know where we stand now. See if I rush to tell you about new music from here on out. What? You’ve never liked my taste in music anyway and you hope I just shut up about it altogether? WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CRUEL TO ME? DON’T YOU KNOW I HURT JUST LIKE YOU? God, I had no idea things were this bad between us. Anyway, there’s a new Tycho track and it’s terrific, and I would tell you to enjoy but you have probably already done that already. You bastard.