Sleigh Bells, "Rule Number One"

The most uncharitable part of myself has had a tremendous time over the last twelve hours reading Twitter to see the impotent, angry defiance of blubbery Bernie Sanders fans as they are forced to face what has been obvious to anyone with a working brain since Hillary Clinton won New York back in April. (Lest you think this is my declaring some sort of preference I can assure you that had the outcome been reversed I would have derived a similar amount of pleasure from the childish social media bleatings of Clinton supporters; the most uncharitable part of myself is an extremely broad church.)

I don’t often enjoy reading the average idiot’s commentary on the myriad platforms that offer a larger canvas on which they may now expose their imbecilities — the average idiot is no more fatuous than the average professional and I am already surrounded by an ocean of dumbassery from people who are paid to demonstrate just how stupid someone can be and still find work, I can’t imagine what kind of masochism would cause me to spend more than a moment on the outbursts of the morons who are doing it for free — but almost as good as burnt Sanders supporters are Sleigh Bells fans, who fight on the YouTube pages as if their opinions made any difference. Anyway, here is a new Sleigh Bells song. I will allow you to judge for yourself. If you have something to say about it you are more than welcome to post your response somewhere; that’s what makes the Internet the magical wonder that we’re all so delighted about all the time now. Enjoy.

Oh, also, before I let you go: We are somehow almost halfway through the year, which means lists are being made. Gorilla vs. Bear has a couple of decent ones.