Los Angeles Master Chorale, "our common fate" (from David Lang's 'the national anthems')

If you were lucky you spent this weekend completely ignoring everything going on in the world — and especially anything going on on the Internet — and instead lolled about in the warm embrace of joy which blissful ignorance drapes over the shoulders of everyone smart enough to turn down the noise when the opportunity presents itself. Anyway, I hope that happened for you, because today is going to be a nightmare where the best thing you might come across is a series of going-through-the-motion takes on Kanye’s new video. And it’s not going to get any better as the week wears on, either. Sorry. Say, I am not sure how you feel about choral music, but this selection from the Los Angeles Master Chorale’s recording of David Lang’s the national anthems is pretty and soothing and might be the last bit of beauty you get before you head out into the Internet and all its poison, so maybe take a few minutes and enjoy.