Weval, "You're Mine"

If I were a billionaire I would use my vast fortune to fund a life of leisure, learning and a nonstop embrace of the few good things that life has to offer that those of us who scramble to earn our living each day lack the resources and time to fully enjoy. This is probably why I am not a billionaire, because apparently the same drive that causes you to accumulate billions of dollars also compels you devote time (the most valuable asset being a billionaire awards you!) and energy in the service of revenge, which is the saddest kind of sickness. If I had enough money to do whatever I wanted the first thing I would do is forget anyone who ever vexed me, which would be easy because, being a fucking billionaire, I would never need to think about them ever again. They wouldn’t matter, if they ever even did. But again, I’m not a billionaire, so I guess I’ll just keep reminding myself that at least I am not driven in the single-minded pursuit of something so empty and embarrassing that it twists me up in so many other ways. Anyway, fuck do I know? Here’s some music. Enjoy.