We All Scream For Hangovers

The grapefruit-flavored dessert contains 0.7 percent oriental raisin tree fruit juice, a traditional hangover remedy cited in a Korean medicine book from the 17th century that is included in popular hangover potions.

You can now buy hangover ice cream bars in South Korea. One question: do they work topically too? Like can I just put it on my forehead? What’s new about this? I mean, we have Pedialyte pops, not that I’ve ever personally tried them but they seem pretty ingenious. I just love that the cure for consuming too much is consuming even more! The most confusing part of this article is that nowhere does it tell us why this is called an ice cream instead of a sorbet or a popsicle, because it’s apparently grapefruit flavored? And I don’t think grapefruit and dairy go together. Also there’s a pretty high incidence of lactose intolerance in East Asia, but more importantly WHAT IS AN ORIENTAL RAISIN TREE FRUIT?