Nutrition, "Eyes"

Ugh, what is with the weather? I grow so weary of this incessant heat. When will it ever end? What happened to the gentle rain? Why is it so sticky?

Hahaha, get it, I’ve been moaning for weeks about the odd and unpredictable temperatures we’ve been subjected to and now that we’ve finally settled into something seasonally appropriate I am complaining about how it displeases me! It’s a joke about how humans are never satisfied with what they have and once they finally get what they’ve been longing for they quickly tire of even that. I guess you had to be there. Anyway, we are heading into a long weekend and even I, whose chronic dissatisfaction is even wearier to live with than it is to read about, cannot find it within myself to be too disgruntled with the day. So here is a song by Nutrition, about which I know nothing. I find it quite enjoyable and I hope that there is even a small part of you that does as well.