Why Doesn't The Guy Who Shows Up Between Traffic And Sports To Tell You It Might Rain This Weekend...

Why Doesn’t The Guy Who Shows Up Between Traffic And Sports To Tell You It Might Rain This Weekend Believe That Humans Are Causing Climate Change?

Why are meteorologists, who wear make-up and say wacky things about the weather, more prone to dismiss global warming than climatologists, who are actual scientists? Six years ago the answer was “elitist-versus-populist tensions,” i.e. people who stand in front of a green screen pointing at digitized clouds don’t like being talked down to by people who have been rigorously trained to investigate the data. Here in 2016, Eric Holthaus, the atmospheric Jeremiah of our age, explains how that reason still stands, along with some other factors (personal ideology, an unwillingness to upset the elderly, conservative viewers who are the only people to still watch TV news, etc.), but that things are changing in a positive direction. The solution is simple: Like every other pressing problem of our era, all we need to do is wait for the old people to die.