The End Of Mansplaining

Oh my God, I am so sick of hearing people say “mansplaining” that I will fully sign on to “manologue” as the preferred replacement for the word used to convey the situation where a man graciously attempts to provide a woman with context for a scenario which she probably cannot fully comprehend given how delicate and demure she is and how complicated so many things are in our fast-paced world these days. And while I can just about see my way through to understanding how certain women — prize-winning scientists and doctors, maybe a few over-credentialed journalists — might find it a bit boring or repetitive to be informed about a subject area in which her own expertise might have some overlap, I think it’s a small price to pay to alleviate the possibility that somewhere some woman might not completely grasp a difficult concept and no man in her life — or even proximity — would step forward to break it down in easy-to-digest language so that it fully sank into that pretty head of hers. Whichever side of the debate you’re on I think that is something we’d all hate to see, am I right? Of course I am. Anything else you need help with, sweetie?