What Difference Does An Hour Make?


You were stupid to think things would get better. You were stupid to even think things wouldn’t get any worse. There is no level so low that once you drop down to it the ground doesn’t sink a few more feet. When you were younger it made more sense to tell yourself that everything would be okay, that the future was bright and the bad parts would fall away. Now you know that the bad parts are the best you’ve got and you should clutch them closely to your heart because whatever happens next can only make them seem comforting. You’re dying slowly and running out the clock, and you’re stuck watching a recital of recrimination and regret. The rest of the show is a series of collisions, concessions and things falling apart, and even though you’re seated way back in the balcony they’re not going to let you get up to go. The good news is come Sunday you get to fast forward through an hour of it. That’s not things getting better, but it’s not nothing either. Take what you can get.

Photo: Shutterstock.com