Parple, "Ritual"

Let’s face it, most mornings you feel out of sorts. It’s because life is absurd and the things you do lack all meaning and even the occasional moments in which you are fully conscious of the absurdity and meaningless cannot compete with your brain’s belief that it is better to pretend that the useless things you struggle to do each day won’t be completely erased very shortly after the inevitable end of your journey into nothingness. This morning, however, you have a better reason than usual to feel out of sorts, because the stupid setting of the clocks stole an hour away from your rest. By the end of the week you will have adjusted and the cloud of confusion hovering over your head will once again result from your denial of death, but today you can let yourself feel a little better about being so blurry. Here’s ten minutes of techno that has all the right influences and doesn’t care to disguise them. Enjoy.