Mitski, "Your Best American Girl"

Every Monday I’m like, “Ugh, the new week, let’s just keep our heads down and quietly try to get through it,” and every Friday I’m like, “Thank God, the week is ending, let’s just keep our heads down and quietly try to get out of it,” and then the two days off (really just one day if you factor in exactly how much of those 48 hours Sunday dread eats away) barrel by and you’re back here hoping I have something better to tell you than, “Ugh, the new week, let’s just keep our heads down and quietly try to get through it.” (You’re putting A LOT OF PRESSURE ON ME, and I’m not sure it’s fair.) But what’s the point of it all? What are we doing to ourselves with this five-days-of-agony/two-days-of-slightly-less-agony wheel we find ourselves running? How could it possibly be worth it? I don’t know. I can’t think of a solution. Better minds than mine have tried and failed. All I can tell you is this: Spring is coming. Spring is so close you can almost feel it on your skin when you walk out in the air. Let’s just get to spring and then we’ll figure it out together, okay? Until then keep your heads down and quietly try to get through it. We’ll let Mitski do our shouting for us.