M83, "Do It, Try It"

Well, it looks like our endorsement of Donald Trump really moved the needle for the man who is the essence of the modern Republican party, and we’re that much closer to his presidency becoming an actual thing that is going to happen and not just a terrible stand-up routine you’d boo some lazy comedian off stage for trying to pull on you once he ran out of decent material. I wonder if when the aliens land on the charred wreckage of our planet a thousand years from now and read the runes they will get to the part about Super Tuesday and go, “Oh, yeah, now we understand how this happened.” Fortunately, it won’t be my problem. Or any of ours! We’ll all be so very dead! Can you even BELIEVE IT? Anyway, maybe this new video from M83 will distract you for a few minutes. I have nothing better on offer, sorry. Enjoy.