I Guess It's "Run Whatever Crazy As Fuck Shit We Want" Week At The Observer

“Is it any wonder that Muslims as a group are increasingly looked upon as inflexible fanatics engaged in the genocide of non-Muslims? Is it any wonder that political leaders like Donald Trump are speaking aloud what is on the minds of so many Americans — and rising in the polls with each new terrorist attack? The ultimate question, of course, is whether the new, more restrictive America now unfolding before us is morally justified in the face of the extreme threats posed by Islamic terrorism. It is a question best answered by debate and reason rather than by waving the bloody shirt of racism.”
— We’re currently debating whether this is obscene, insane, an amazing piece of performance art or a new low in click-hunger. My personal feeling is that it could very well be three of those things, but not all four. If you’re not doing anything else, and if you’ve made it down this far let’s face it, you’re not, get the full experience yourself by clicking here. Also, I take no responsibility for your reaction if you do click, so don’t come back to me with your “I can’t believe you made me read that whole thing” because no one can make you read anything you don’t want to. If you read it it’s because you hate yourself and feel like your head should be filled with a big bowl of crazy word potpourri. The choice is yours. [Previously in Crazy As Fuck Shit from the Observer]