New York City, February 28, 2016

weather review sky 022816

★★★★ The playground was not as overrun with children as it might have been, but the sun succeeded at warming the places where it fell. Back out on Broadway, the breeze had a chill to it. The doors of the hot dog place were closed against it, and had to be wrestled open with a balance bike and scooter in one hand. Even as the warmth lagged a little, though, the daylight had gone over to abundance. Past four in the afternoon the sun was up in the tree buds and had found a place to shine on near the top of the wall, in the narrow darkness of the forecourt. The four-year-old tried to bait other children into racing scooters against him. In the night someone was on the rooftop across the way grilling, in shorts but with a sweatshirt hood pulled up, as smoke curled in the electric lights.