New York City, November 5, 2015

weather review sky 110515

★ The river was lost in a dirty gray blur, inseparable from the lowest level of clouds. Higher up, for a while, the gray was feathered over silvery white and blue; a perfect white paw print floated in a clear patch. The preschool teacher was passing out plastic bags and matching floppy hats for a leaf-gathering excursion to the Park. A man pedaled around a corner on a Citi Bike, the tail of the jacket of his suit flipping up to reveal a red lining. The river faded into view then out as the warm murk thinned and thickened. The sky became full gray, with occasional drizzle. Cooking smells or cigarette smoke stuck to the wet air coming through the windows. A few spots in the west glowed pink, then returned to colorlessness.