Francis, "Horses"

Just when you think you’ve got humanity all figured it reveals an astounding capacity to shatter whatever limits you had already assigned it. For example, as someone who considers himself too cynical to be shocked by anything anymore, I have to say it’s still a surprise to see that people can actually be even more aggressively brainless, over even more meaningless matters, than I had previously given them credit for. Whatever degree of doltish pig-ignorance you set as the base level of sheer human stupidity, it can always be surpassed, often by the very people who should know best how things work, and the eagerness with which they clamor to display their empty-headedness is almost charming. So I am thankful; it’s nice to be reminded that, even now, there are things that can change the way you see the world. Something else to be thankful for: the upcoming Francis record, from which yet another winning track has emerged. Enjoy.