Sosi, "Like This"

There was a time when you would step into the darkness at the outset of an evening and the night would hum with the sense of possibility. You weren’t sure what was going to happen but you knew something would, and that was no small part of the thrill. Now you’re barely out the door before you’re wondering how much time you have to put in until you can come back home, your face sore from pretending to smile, and collapse into the couch, angry with yourself for wasting the few precious hours you get each day that are neither work nor sleep. Nights bring no joy because there’s no mystery to how they’ll end anymore. Anyway, there’s a lot going on in this track and not all of it works, but enough of it does that it is worth the time you’ll take to listen to it, which, at less than three minutes, is barely anything. You’ll waste more time than that failing to convince yourself to stay in tonight. Enjoy. [Via]