Chairlift Or Mogwai

It’s Monday morning, it’s cold (at least for another 24 hours until it turns back to summer again, so enjoy figuring out how to layer), the Internet is already intolerable and we’re right in the center of that gap where we’re not quite sure how bad the week is going to be and actually finding out. It’s hard to get motivated is what I’m saying. I’ll give you a choice today: You can go for the Chairlift above (I’m nowhere near sold, but enough of the people I respect are telling me that it’s awesome that I have to believe the problem is with me; maybe I still resent them — and Apple — for squatting in my ear with “Bruises” way back in 2008) or you can do some classic Mogwai. Either way, enjoy. It’s gonna be one of those weeks, huh?