Time to Move On


The Times reports on the state of Condé Nast and Time Inc.’s moves downtown:

In the new headquarters, Time’s writers and editors will have to make do with cubicles. The Fortune editor Alan Murray, who is also taking a cubicle, said the number of offices at his magazine is being cut to three, from 43. “I fully understand that some employees are going to miss their big, old offices,” said Joe Ripp, Time Inc.’s chief executive officer. He added that he hoped the new setup will prevent his employees “from writing those interminable three-page memos and walk down the hall and talk to someone.” … “If I found out Fortune’s creative director had an office and we didn’t, that would be a problem to talk about,” Mr. Cagle said. “A lot of nail-biting and hair-pulling is being done by people here.” In a pre-emptive maneuver, he has already joined the Equinox gym in the building, to make sure he has his own locker.

On the bright side, the pre-move layoffs at Time Inc. means that the chances of getting one of those few offices in its headquarters above the unofficial Condé Nast cafeteria are better than one might expect.

Photo by Arturo Pardavila III