What Should I Listen To Besides The Awl Podcast?

Are you looking for a new podcast to bring joy to your horrible, empty life? Well, guess what? The Awl has a podcast! Here’s the most recent episode, with guest Laura Olin of Everything Changes fame. “But Alex,” you say, “I’ve already listened to the Awl podcast with Laura Olin! It was delightful and informative and gave me an insatiable a craving for Williamsburg Pizza!” Well, terrific, I’m very pleased for you. In that case, let me suggest the first episode of the Awl podcast, starring Jenna Wortham of the New York Times. You know, the Jenna Wortham whose current article on Issa Rae keeps showing up in every feed to which you are subscribed, to the point where you’re just going to stop what you’re doing and read it so you don’t feel like you’re missing out? “Yes, Alex,” you say, rolling your eyes at me the way everyone inevitably does, “I have listened to the Jenna Wortham episode as well. I am not stupid. I know if I want to stay current and informed in today’s fast-paced ever-changing world the first thing I need to do is consume all Awl products as quickly and frequently as I can. Now that you have pitched everything your company has done in the last month can you please direct me to something else? Something new? Something that I won’t even compare to the sheer brilliance of the Awl podcasts but that will still shine a little light into my dark and terrible existence?” Okay, friend, yes, yes I can. Here’s a new podcast about great episodes of great TV shows from Awl pal Doree Shafrir. It’s available on iTunes and Soundcloud and the first installment is a conversation with Rookie’s Tavi Gevinson about “Freaks and Geeks.” Enjoy. And stop rolling your eyes at me, it hurts my feelings. I do have feelings, you know. They’re raw and jagged and they never let up and there’s a darkness dredged all the way down. Anyway, check out Doree’s podcast, you’ll like it.