The Universe Is Dying And I Don't Feel So Good Myself


What’s going on in the world? “Just as we become less active in our old age, the same is happening with the Universe, and it’s well past its prime. It will just grow old forever, slowly converting less and less mass into energy as billions of years pass by, until eventually it will become a cold, dark, and desolate place where all of the lights go out,” says Dr. Luke Davies of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research.

“The Universe has basically plonked itself down on the sofa, pulled up a blanket and is about to nod off for an eternal doze,” agrees Professor Simon Driver of the same organization.

That’s right: The Universe is running out the clock. But what does it mean for you?

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that nothing you do matters. This is difficult to remember as you bounce around the cosmos, buffeted about by an endless series of emotions that all feel as if they are entirely irrevocable while you’re experiencing them. Lust, hate, fear, greed, want, joy, sorrow, guilt: You run the gamut every day and each one seems so vital and all-encompassing that when you’ve cycled through to the next you’ve forgotten just how temporary the last one turned out to be. Well, it’s all temporary. Everything is. Every victory, every defeat, every choice made or decision deferred adds up to nothing. You feel pain for a certain amount of time — or happiness, or wonder, or bliss, but more likely pain — and then it’s over. The universe makes no value judgment because the value of everything is zero and the concept of judgment is meaningless. It’s just a bunch of stuff that happened, and when it ends it’s gone and it is as if none of it registered. You did not even leave a dot on the vast canvas of existence, and now that canvas itself has stopped adding dots of its own. Everything is nothing.

The bad news is there’s another few billion years of this nonsense to get through.

Anyway, there is video:

Hope that helps. But even if it doesn’t, what difference does it make? That’s right, none. NOTHING DOES OR DID OR EVER WILL. Feel better now? You’re welcome.