The Internet Of Things That Will Kill You

“It may be hard to fix security on the digital Internet, but the Internet of Things should not be built on this faulty foundation. Responding to digital threats by patching only exposed vulnerabilities is giving just aspirin to a very ill patient. It isn’t hopeless. We can make programs more reliable and databases more secure. Critical functions on Internet-connected objects should be isolated and external audits mandated to catch problems early. But this will require an initial investment to forestall future problems — the exact opposite of the current corporate impulse. It also may be that not everything needs to be networked, and that the trade-off in vulnerability isn’t worth it.”
— Hahaha, doesn’t this lady realize that if we’re able to, we’re going to, especially if we can charge extra and jack up ludicrous valuations by using the amazing buzzwords of the day — you know, the ones that seem to work as talismans to ward off critical thinking? If we don’t wire up every single thing in the world how are we going to empower the robots that will wind up eating us? And make no mistake, we will be eaten by robots. It’s just the way things are going to play out. “Not everything needs to be networked.” Go back to the Stone Age, you tech-hating weirdo!