The Conflict of the Faculties, Together with a Treatise On the Power of the Mind to Master Morbid...

The Conflict of the Faculties, Together with a Treatise On the Power of the Mind to Master Morbid Feelings by Resolution Alone [PHOTOS]

If the canonical philosopher Immanuel Kant were alive today and you showed him the Internet he would probably say (in German), “So you are telling me you can access all of human knowledge through this one machine? Every thought that has ever been expressed and every interpretation of those expressions is available simply by clicking on a series of interconnected links that provide both context and background? An entire history of philosophy and a construction of morals and reason are — hey, you can see sex stuff on this thing? Well, get me to the sex stuff! REALLY, THEY CAN SHOW THAT? FOR FREE? Oh, this is good. This is very, very good. Let me just get comfortable here. Um NO IT’S NOT ‘TOO WEIRD.’ Do you know what we had available to us in 18th century Prussia? HORSE PROSTITUTES. That was as good as it got. Nothing like this. Look, I didn’t say I didn’t want to see horse prostitute videos, I’m saying let’s not settle on one particular thing when there seems to be an infinite variety of subjects here to experience. Wait, what is that? Is that that guy’s asshole? What’s wrong with it? NOOOOOOOO.” But also he would probably be totally okay with ad blocking, at least according to the philosophy seminar that is Digiday.