But What If People Actually LIKE "Friends"?


“Rachel makes them happy. Monica makes them happy. Chandler’s annoying intonation makes them happy. The song Smelly Cat makes them happy. Those bits where people who were famous 20 years ago but aren’t any more walk on and everyone claps make them happy. People whooping at kissing makes them happy. The jingly-jangly music they play between scenes — the music that makes you feel as if an awful plague has befallen your ears and brain and you’ll never be rid of it, and it’ll be the last thing you hear, and the only thing you’ll hear in the deathless void of eternity — makes them happy.”
— In a world as awful as this one should we perhaps be less judgmental about whatever small joys people can find in their otherwise bleak and worthless lives? So what if you think “Friends” is the worst kind of brain-numbing garbage, the kind of work that, because it is just slightly better than mediocre, allows people who would be ashamed to celebrate outright mediocrity to abdicate critical responsibility altogether and convince themselves that “no, it’s actually good,” and they are not even pretending to be ironic? With life being an endless journey of suffering that only ends when we are returned to the void can’t we just be okay with anything that brings people a release from agony, however brief and vacuous? This is a serious question, I’m pretty conflicted. “Friends” is SO BAD YOU GUYS. This is not a thing that gets said enough.